Product Info

Multiple Chambers Indexing Design

  • This design is for multiple chamber flavored water options.
  • Cap indexes to desire flavor shown on cap.
  • After selecting flavor simply depress grommet to release liquid flavor ingredient.
  • The cap design is for one selection per cap.
  • Each chamber holds up to .6ml

Choice H2O Dispensing Cap is designed to insert one of four additives to a bottle of water in a single use. Our patented design keeps the additive fresh and leak free until distribution of the product is desired. Great for consumer's looking for choice.



Multiple Chambers Flip Top Design

  • This design is for multiple chamber vitamins, energy, medications or military options.
  • Flip cap select desired option by depressing one of the grommets.
  • After selecting the correct grommets close cap and shake slightly to mix.
  • The cap design is for multiple selections per cap.

Choice H2O Dispensing Cap is designed to select the desired flavor and vitamin, energy or medication ingredient. Our patented design keeps the additive fresh and leak free until distribution of the product is desired. Great for consumer's looking for choice.



Multiple Chamber Dairy Design

  • This design is for multiple chamber dairy product.
  • Select desired option by depressing one of the three grommets.
  • After selecting the correct grommets shake slightly to mix.
  • The cap design is for multiple selections per cap.

Choice H2O three chamber Dairy Dispensing Cap is designed to select the desired sweetener and choice of two flavours.

It is estimated that by storing the sweetener and flavouring in the cap until consumption, will increase the shelf life of the milk by 30 percent. (This statement of 30% increase shelf life needs to be qualified by a chemist.) Our patented design keeps the additive fresh and leak free until distribution of the product is desired.

Great for consumer's looking for choice



Single Chamber Flip Cap Design

  • This design is for a single chamber flavoring, vitamin, energy or medication options.
  • Flip cap depress single grommet to dispense up to 3 grams of ingredient.
  • After depressing grommet close flip cap and shake slightly to mix.
  • Cap design is scalable to fit standard 28 ml cap for bottled water and up to 55 ml cap for 5 gallon container.

Choice H2O Dispensing Cap was originally designed for the dairy industry to dispense chocolate and other flavors into the milk from the cap. This would keep all ingredients out of the milk until released for consumption. Sweetener would come from the cap in the form of Stevia and replace High Fructose Corn Syrup. With all ingredients stored in the cap, the shelf life of milk would increase 30%.

With a positive seal on the flip cap design we can use ingredients like: vitamins, energy, medication and multiple flavor choices. Great for consumer's looking for choice.



Single Chamber Insert Design

  • This design is for NGO applications for third world medication dispensing.
  • One design is activated when cap is depressed on to 5 gallon container then ingredients is released.
  • Other insert designs can be adapted to most existing caps. These caps are to release medication and water purification into the water.
  • Caps can hold different medications depending on area in the world use.
  • Chamber size of a 55 ml. insert holds 8.2 grams

Choice H2O Dispensing Cap was designed with the ability to fit a large range of container caps. The cartridge itself can be used to dispense medication or water purification by clinical personal at disaster sites to ward off infection and the drinking of contaminated water. We have a designed cap for use in remote areas of the world where the 5 gallon bottles are reused by refilling from rivers and ponds. This practice sickens the entire families with parasites from the infected water sources. Our caps design when pressed on to the 5 gallon bottles releases medication and water purification automatically.

We believe that this cap design can have a large impact on third world areas and specifically designed by medical professionals on what the chambers have for needed medication.

Points of Interest

Initially designed for flavored and vitamin water bottles, we have identified applications for vitamins, dairy products, flavored alcohols and precision distribution of medications

For Orders & More Information

10 Dana Street, Suite 300
Portland, ME 04101

Phone: 207-699-5777
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.